I saw my hypnotist on Thursday morning for what you might call a refresher, to build up my confidence. Then I came home to get Rommel and take him to the airport. I was feeling unusually calm, so I decided to run all the errands on my list. By the time I got home I was in pain and exhausted, so I crashed on the couch and watched movies the rest of the night.
Friday I kept myself busy after work by having dinner with the girls. I have not been able to have dinner at a busy restaurant in so long because it always made me too nervous. It was absolutely amazing to see my friends and catch up. I think this will definitely have to be a regular occurrence.
Saturday was going to be a day to get stuff done at the house after work, but it did not go as planned. I ended up taking a very good friend to the emergency room after she had been sick for two weeks and not responding to antibiotics. After they admitted her to the hospital, I just tried to keep myself busy knowing that she was in good hands.
I went to work Sunday morning to finish up a few things and then headed to the airport to get Rommel. It was so nice to have him back!
As a kind of reward for getting through the weekend, Rommel and I had tickets to the Supernatural program of Paleyfest 2011. To raise money for the Paley Foundation, they have several programs where the actors/directors/writers of particular television shows talk about the show and answer questions. I do not watch many fictional shows, but I do really enjoy Supernatural and it was great to get to go to the event.
We decided to sit in the balcony, but I still took a few pictures -
My only complaint about the event was that it was general admission, which means we ended up standing in line for quite a while before the doors opened. Not the smartest idea for a girl whose RA is acting up. My whole body was feeling it and I was completely drained by the time we left. We had planned to go out to dinner too, but decided to just pick something up instead.
As for the last two days, it has been filled with a lot of worry for my friend and I keep checking my phone for updates. I want to do everything I can for her, but there is not a lot to be done at the moment. I just hope she knows how much we love her.
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