We headed to Melrose Ave. to browse the vintage shops and see if I could find some fabulous costume jewelry. We found the best little trading post / flea market when we got there and it was only two bucks to get in. Then it started pouring. We wandered around the booths for a short time before the vendors started packing up.
As you can tell, Rommel was none to pleased to be walking around in the cold rain while I looked for jewelry.
We finally decided that we should go home where it was warm and dry to watch movies. At least we tried though! And Rommel agreed to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market next weekend, which is a huge gathering of antiques, handmade items, and food. I can't wait!
And I was able to accomplish one goal on my list which was to sort through some of my stuff and pull out anything I do not use, etc. I ended up with two boxes of clothes for Goodwill and a box of books for the library. I don't know why you would want to see a picture of the boxes, but I was happy about finishing the task and decided to post one anyway.
I have also been working on my blog by adding pages about myself and my medications. Hopefully there will be more cool stuff to come.
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